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Evidence that Ivrim, Benei Yisrael, Yehudim, and Modern day Jews do not descend from Yadavas farmers


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Here is the Table from Sahoo paper that shows 16/16 having R.M124.
Maybe I'm just missing something. RM124 does seem to be present in a great many groups. I'm not sure how this makes your case that it originated in one particular group, or that it is found in 100% of any group or 50% of any other group. The largest number in the column is 16.

Bharat Jhunjhunwala

Maybe I'm just missing something. RM124 does seem to be present in a great many groups. I'm not sure how this makes your case that it originated in one particular group, or that it is found in 100% of any group or 50% of any other group. The largest number in the column is 16.
We are trying to locate whether there is genetic evidence for the origin of Hebrews in India. I am suggesting that high prevalence of R-M124 indicates a greater probability that it originated here. There are no "proofs" here. I am aware.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
We are trying to locate whether there is genetic evidence for the origin of Hebrews in India. I am suggesting that high prevalence of R-M124 indicates a greater probability that it originated here. There are no "proofs" here. I am aware.
Thank you for admitting there were no proofs.

Honestly, if I thought the evidence warranted your conclusions, I would go with the evidence. For example, geneticists tell us that today's Jews are descended from the Canaanites, and that the Canaanites became a people when immigrants from the Caucasus mountains intermarried with the Neolithic peoples already present in Canaan. That was hard to swallow, since as a Jew, I would have liked very much for the evidence to support the idea that Jews were distinct from Canaanites. But, like I said, I go with the evidence.

Sir, I'm ready to move on. We've really talked this to death. It was a lovely conversation, but I think it has run its course.

Bharat Jhunjhunwala

Thank you for admitting there were no proofs.

Honestly, if I thought the evidence warranted your conclusions, I would go with the evidence. For example, geneticists tell us that today's Jews are descended from the Canaanites, and that the Canaanites became a people when immigrants from the Caucasus mountains intermarried with the Neolithic peoples already present in Canaan. That was hard to swallow, since as a Jew, I would have liked very much for the evidence to support the idea that Jews were distinct from Canaanites. But, like I said, I go with the evidence.

Sir, I'm ready to move on. We've really talked this to death. It was a lovely conversation, but I think it has run its cours
You ask for evidence of 100 percent karmali. When I provide evidence you ignore it. Good luck moving on.

River Sea

Active Member
Here is the Table from Sahoo paper that shows 16/16 having R.M124.

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala So all the sample size of Karmali, which is 16 people, had R M124, so that's why Karmali = 100%.

River Sea

Active Member
I thought Israel meant wrestling with God or God's angel, but from @Bharat Jhunjhunwala video, you showed Israel.

By Stephen Knapp said: Israel derived from Sanskrit word Ishwaralaya, which means Isha or Krishna God

(screenshot) video and below can see video and can read from Stephen Knapp


Time Stamp video @Bharat Jhunjhunwala video

@Ehav4Ever check out Stephen Knapp., and he explained Israel. And also @Bharat Jhunjhunwala shared in his video too. What are your thoughts?

Facebook post written by Stephen Knapp

By Stephen Knapp
The name “Israel” actually is derived from the Sanskrit word Ishwaralaya, which means the abode of “Isha,” or Krishna, God. The name Jerusalem also is derived from Yerushaleim, or the Sanskrit Yedu-Ishalayam, which signifies a township of Lord Krishna. “Isha” means God, the Supreme Controller, and “Yedu” refers to Yadu and the Yadu dynasty, which is in relation to Krishna. Furthermore, “Yedu-ish” comes from a Sanskrit term signifying Lord Krishna as chief of the Yadu clan. Therefore, Judaism is nothing but a form or derivative of “Yeduism.” Thus, there is the relation with this area to the followers of the Vedic tradition and the worship of Lord Krishna.
the Sanskrit word Ishwaralaya, which means the abode of “Isha,” or Krishna, God. The name Jerusalem also is derived from Yerushaleim, or the Sanskrit Yedu-Ishalayam, which signifies a township of Lord Krishna. “Isha” means God, the Supreme Controller, and “Yedu” refers to Yadu and the Yadu dynasty, which is in relation to Krishna. Furthermore, “Yedu-ish” comes from a Sanskrit term signifying Lord Krishna as chief of the Yadu clan. Therefore, Judaism is nothing but a form or derivative of “Yeduism.” Thus, there is the relation with this area to the followers of the Vedic tradition and the worship of Lord Krishna.
Nearby, Palestine gets its name from the modern distortion of the name of the Vedic sage Pulestin who had his abode there. The hill on which he used to light his sacrificial fire dedicated to Lord Shiva still bears the name “Har Homa,” referring to the Homa Vedic fire ritual. Many such Sanskrit names in the region show the Vedic connection this area once had.
Even today the blue star in the flag of Israel in a Laksmi Yantra and it's also similar to Skanda yantra. There is no doubt that Vedic culture is still living in Israel.


Well-Known Member
For example, geneticists tell us that today's Jews are descended from the Canaanites,
Just FYI. The research into DNA does not claim that Jews "descend" from the Canaanites. What is shows is a genetic link between Jews, certain modern Arab groups in the region to what Canaanite DNA they have been able to find. This makes sense, given what some Jewish sources state about the nature of 2 generations after Avraham ben-Terahh residing in Canaan. For example, according to the Sefer Hayashar the following sons of Ya'aqov married Canaanite women.

  1. Re'uven ben-Ya'aqov
  2. Yehudah ben-Ya'aqov
  3. Shim'on ben-Ya'aqov
Further, during the time of Yehoshua bin-Nun Rahav and her entire family joined Am Yisrael. So, it would make sense that when going through the remains found in certain regions one would find a genetic link.



