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The need to believe...

Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone can offer me any advice on this.

For about five years Ive been an atheistic/LeVayan Satanist. But over the course of these five years (and even before that), I cant shake the idea that a real Satan exists. I dont believe in the Christian version of Satan, but I always have had the thought in my head that there is some force greater than ourselves that I consider to be Satan. I dont know if Satan is a deity, a "force"...or just a thought. But I cant help but feel there is something out there in the universe.

I guess what Im wondering is, is this feeling I get enough to call myself a theistic Satanist? You see, Ive always considered myself atheistic because in more of a scientific way it makes sense too me. But the theistic aspect I can not prove.

Should I be putting blind faith into something I cant prove or cant explain?

I guess Im wondering what other theistic satanists feel about this. What are your beliefs? How do you feel about this feeling of something greater than ourselves? What is Satan to you?

Sorry to ask questions like these since Im sure theyve been asked before. I guess Im just at a point with myself that Im very confused and not sure what to believe. I know no one can make up my mind for me or tell me what to believe, but any advice is appreciated.

Saint Frankenstein

Wanderer From Afar
Premium Member
As long as you view Satan as more than just a symbol and you revere it in some way, I think it counts as Theistic Satanism, imo. It could be a force, a being, conscious, unconscious, etc.

As long as your belief is grounded in your experiences, I hardly think it counts as "blind faith". Blind faith is believing in something you have no reason to believe. Personal experience is certainly a reason to believe something. After all, you don't have to prove it to anyone since the LHP is not a path that seeks to convert or convince others. What your path is is your own business.

By the way, you could argue that there's a pantheistic undertone to LaVeyan Satanism so it's debatable on if it's truly atheistic. But that's another topic. :)