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After a long hard day of work or whatever how do you relieve stress?

Im not used to working so im trying to figure it out.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
shavasana, "corpse pose", or as I like to call it: "fully reclined meditation" "fully"

I make myself into a starfish and just breath. it's heavenly.


Veteran Member
Music is good. Eating is good as long as it's in moderation. Having a loving dog is very helpful for stress relief and also writing about what is bothering you.


Consults with Trees
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Premium Member
Step 1: Prevention - structure your work in such a way that you don't get to a stress point in the first place (this could be a whole separate topic in of itself so that's all I'll say on that for the moment)

Step 2: Resilience - cultivate wellness, or a way of life that is true to yourself and your home you don't get to a stress point in the first place (also a whole separate topic so again keeping that brief)

Step 3: Nothing - simply be, exist, and impartially observe

The third is probably weird for most. Yet if the first two are practiced and issues still arise, one basically just needs to STOP. Just be. Stop needing to think and analyze everything. Stop needing to do something. Stop needing in general. Release, detach, exist, let go, be still, be silent, and take a deep breath (or probably several). Most stress - especially in the first world - is self-caused by expectations and the stories one tells oneself. Stop telling the story. Hit the pause button. Just watch, listen, observe, sit down, shut up, and do nothing. Get outside of one's own egoistic perspective, realize life is still happening, and it'll continue to keep happening. Breathe. Do nothing. Just be.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
After a long hard day of work or whatever how do you relieve stress?

Im not used to working so im trying to figure it out.

A nice cup of tea while veging out listening to soothing music.

Always worked for me.


श्री कृष्णा शरणं मम
After a long hard day of work or whatever how do you relieve stress?

Im not used to working so im trying to figure it out.

I'll take a walk, though I haven't done that in a while. I also meditate or chat with a friend.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
After a long hard day of work or whatever how do you relieve stress?

Im not used to working so im trying to figure it out.

If I stay awake when I get home from work (6am - 2pm, up 3:30 - 4:00am) I'll noodle around with the guitars or sack out in the recliner and watch tv. In the past I'd go to the gym, something I need and want to get back to. So the two things that are my go-to's are music and the gym.