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Do you appreciate what Jehovah has provided for you?


Veteran Member
1988 years ago Jehovah gave His son as a sacrifice
A "sacrifice"? Really?

Jesus is a one-third part of a Godly Entity.
Jehovah is a one-third part of a Godly Entity.
The Holy Ghost is a one-third part of a Godly Entity.
The Godly Entity has existed for eternity.
For approximately 33 years of its eternal existence, one-third of the Godly Entity spent its existence as a temporal human being.
Those thirty years are to the Godly Entity far less than a trillionth of a blink of an eyelash to you or me.
After those 33 years, that one-third of the Godly Entity reunited with the other two-thirds of itself.

Tell us again what sacrifice you are referring to.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
1988 years ago Jehovah gave His son as a sacrifice for the redemption of sin Jn 3:16. We would like to invite you to show your appreciation to Him as well as His son who willingly gave his life in our behalf, to a special talk this upcoming Sunday, as well as attend a very special gathering on the following Saturday (27th) to remember Jesus' death.

Instructions on how to attend can be found at at JW.org

Please enjoy this 2 minute video to remember Jesus' death.

This is proselytizing.


Veteran Member: I Share (not Debate) my POV
1988 years ago Jehovah gave His son as a sacrifice for the redemption of sin Jn 3:16. We would like to invite you to show your appreciation to Him as well as His son who willingly gave his life in our behalf, to a special talk this upcoming Sunday, as well as attend a very special gathering on the following Saturday (27th) to remember Jesus' death.

Instructions on how to attend can be found at at JW.org

Please enjoy this 2 minute video to remember Jesus' death.
I could call myself a JW

Because my main sadhana is "Witness Atma/Self", where Atma is God (Jehova), hence I am a true "Jehova Witness"


Veteran Member: I Share (not Debate) my POV
This is proselytizing.
I used to be quite sensitive to proselytizing, but in this case it felt not bad to me
The reason probably was, because there was no belittling of others' faith
Or I got rid of some of my trigger points in the 3 years here on RF:)

But I did see an opinion phrased as a huge claim


Well-Known Member
1988 years ago Jehovah gave His son as a sacrifice for the redemption of sin Jn 3:16. We would like to invite you to show your appreciation to Him as well as His son who willingly gave his life in our behalf, to a special talk this upcoming Sunday, as well as attend a very special gathering on the following Saturday (27th) to remember Jesus' death.

Instructions on how to attend can be found at at JW.org

Please enjoy this 2 minute video to remember Jesus' death.

While God has done a lot for us, Pagan sacrifice to pay a theoretical sin debt wasn’t one of them.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
1988 years ago Jehovah gave His son as a sacrifice for the redemption of sin Jn 3:16.
What does that actually mean?

Why on earth was it necessary to 'sacrifice his son'? God's supposed to be omnipotent, isn't [he]? What did that death accomplish that an omnipotent god couldn't accomplish with one snap of [his] fingers?

What difference to reality did the death of Jesus make?


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member

Only members of the Jehovah's Witnesses DIR may create subsequent posts in this thread. Posts by non-DIR members moving forward are subject to moderation under Rule 10.

Also, as a friendly reminder, debate is not permitted in DIRs.


Active Member
That is what I was going to say. The benefits that Jesus had after death outweighed his humiliation before death and his death for three days. Since he knew before hand that he would be resurrected, it wasn't much of a sacrifice besides a lot of pain and humiliation. I mean the guy gets to be ruler of the universe in place of God for a while so.....

We should focus on the benefits Jesus death brings to 'us'

His death was a ransom that he paid to God on behalf of each of us. We are all bound to die, both us and people in the past who have already died. But imagine if that didnt need to be the case? Imagine if death could be taken away in exchange for life? That is the meaning of the precious sacrifice of the life of Jesus Christ.

Come a day soon, God will apply the benefits of the death of Jesus Christ to each of us.

It was spoken of in the Psalms 68: 20 The true God is for us a God who saves; And Jehovah the Sovereign Lord provides escape from death

And later the Apostle Paul explained how he has provided us an escape from death at Hebrews 2:14 Therefore, since the “young children” are sharers of blood and flesh, he also similarly shared in the same things,+ so that through his death he might bring to nothing the one having the means to cause death,+ that is, the Devil,+ 15 and that he might set free* all those who were held in slavery all their lives by their fear of death.+

No more death. Big changes are ahead and God invites all mankind to look to his Son for their salvation.

Everyone is invited.


Active Member
What does that actually mean?

Why on earth was it necessary to 'sacrifice his son'? God's supposed to be omnipotent, isn't [he]? What did that death accomplish that an omnipotent god couldn't accomplish with one snap of [his] fingers?

What difference to reality did the death of Jesus make?

His death provides the means for mankind to escape their inevitable fate....death!

God will remove death for every person based on that sacrifice. It hasnt happened yet, but it will happen soon and when it does, not only will it be us who are now living who will gain everlasting life on this beautiful earth, but also all the people who have died. They will be brought back to life and be reunited with their loved ones.

Thats what Jesus death will inevitably accomplish.


Active Member
As a Sufi i do not follow the teaching if JW, That said i have no problem to respect those people who chose to become a JW and believe in those teachings. I believe love for all people should be shown no matter what that person believe.

YOu are a lovely person and its people like you who show others how to be more like our creator. Love is key to all things and life and happiness. :) The bible says about God that 'God is Love' and mankind have been created in his image with his ability to love.

So keep that love flowin...its what the world needs. :heartpulse: