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Advice for a new satanist.


New Member
Hello, I''ve recently decided after several months of researching and learning about various religions that Satanism is the one that feels right to me, it sort of feels natural.
I wasn't raised in a religious house nor is my wife or her family religious but I feel myself been drawn to Satanism as though it's something I've always needed yet I've only recently found .
I am hoping that perhaps some of you would be willing to share you're beginners experiences with me that I might learn more.
I want to try make my Satanism somewhat spiritual and maybe someone could give me some guidance to begin with.
Thanks. :)


New Member
Thanks, I have read that website and I totally agree it has a tonne of useful information.
If I'm honest I'm hoping to hear about peoples first experiences and how they performed rituals and how those rituals made them feel.
Personally I haven't performed a dedication ritual yet but I have been saying a little something every night before bed, I guess it could be interpreted as a prayer but to me it's more like acknowledging Satan's presence and asking for guidance.


New Member
Also how did you guys break your new found faith to your families and how did they react.
I'm a little worried about doing this as they'll probably think I've gone crazy or something.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
If you're young I wouldn't bother. In fact you'd be better off telling them you're gay than a Satanist in most cases. Keep it on the down-low until you own your own place then be intelligent enough to know that presenting yourself in this fashion is met with aggression. Generally, I don't advertise personally... What I believe is my business. I see no sector in life where outing myself as a Satanist is an advantage -- so I don't. Some close friends know... That's about it. If you have nothing to gain by doing so don't, basically.

If you're the type who can manipulate people with fear then it may be advantageous to do so, or they may think you're crazy and take a hike. There is a fine line between respect and fear.


New Member
Thanks for the advice, i'll be keeping my faith under wraps.
Have any of you read the joy of Satan .org site?
If so what are your views?
I thought there was some good information here but also thought some of was a bit far fetched.


Active Member
Monstermagic-- the site seems plagiarized and revised from various New Age meditation texts you can probably pick up on amazon. All really going back to to the ideas of Theosophy of the early 20th century. If you are interested in a fun romp tracing these ideological trajectories in sites like this and other groups see if you can pick up _Madame Blavatsky's Baboon_ by Peter Washington.


I Am Grey
My considered advice would be to find someone in the real world who you can talk to face to face and who has been involved with Satanism - of whatever variety - for a while and so can speak about Satanism from personal experience. You'll then have a chance to judge the individual in person - go with your instincts - and decide whether they're talking BS and/or whether you trust them. It's what you feel, or decide, that matters.

This finding of such people in the real world and talking to them can be fun. As for the internet, sure you'll find some (sometimes contradictory) information and advice there, often written by anonymous people but IMO you shouldn't trust either (1) what anonymous people write via an anonymous medium such as the internet or (2) those who are keep themselves anonymous.