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Search results

  1. Sola*5

    Why are Evengelists worried about me??

    What are they saved from? How were they saved? when were they saved? Does LDS theology support this? They maybe confused. Is the God they claim to be reconciled to based soley on the teachings of the apostles and prophets (the bible).
  2. Sola*5

    Are Evangelicals and Mainstream Christianity the Same?

    It used to be, but i noticed it was pointed out in another thread that deception has crept into the professing evangelical church and biblical Christianity has been watered down. Evangelical is a cross denominational title, it can be a sort of denomination and often represents an in between of...
  3. Sola*5

    Why are Evengelists worried about me??

    What we mean when we say that is not the acts in themselevs but when you make them a necessary part of being justified before God. Faith without works isn't true faith - we all believe that. True faith in Christ justifies though before we do any good work at all but then shows itself in good...
  4. Sola*5

    Approximately how old is the earth?

    around 6000 years
  5. Sola*5

    True To Yourself or True To Your God?

    God did not create sin, He created Law there is nothing evil about His laws, He also created man with the ability to reason and choose, there was nothing wrong with that either, man exercised this will for self breaking the simplest command, man sinned, God only made it a possibility by giving...
  6. Sola*5

    True To Yourself or True To Your God?

    Sure there was, sin, sin brought death to creation, like a fungus brought destruction to the building. Sin is a destructive fungus on this building, eating away at it and distorting the appearance and strength of this once magnificent building. Sin does that on every level.
  7. Sola*5

    True To Yourself or True To Your God?

    The architect is indeed omnipotent and so planned a new building for when he knew this one would be ruined, He is just waiting until those who will appreciate it are gathered to enjoy it, until then this derelict building with it's ruined beauty still apparent is a reminder for all who consider...
  8. Sola*5

    True To Yourself or True To Your God?

    I don't know of any scripture that says angels do not have a will. There purpose is to serve God and to do His bidding but I am not aware of this being programmed into them.
  9. Sola*5

    True To Yourself or True To Your God?

    Evil exists because there are rules which are good and righteous given to us by God, to depart from these and rebel is what evil is, Satan broke God's rules and then man did, there is nothing wrong with the creation God made. It's like going to a derelict building that was once beautiful but...
  10. Sola*5

    Why Dont Christians Accept the Book of Mormon as Valid?

    Why don't Christians accept the book of mormon as valid? Or why do we not need it? To accept it would be to view the bible as an insufficient revelation it's like saying that there are things missing from the bible that God wanted to say to us all this time.
  11. Sola*5

    Did Jesus say obviously " I am a God" in Gospel?

    Just because people didn't know it doesn't mean that God was not saying it all along, they also thought messiah would come as a conquering king against their enemies and had no idea that He would come die rise again and then come again, yet it is in the scriptures the whole time providing you...
  12. Sola*5

    I found this amusing Levit.18:22

    I don't think PAul said that the subject of Romans 1 was homosexuality he just said it was clear cut i.e that it is wrong, there can be no arguements there, it just makes your response to what he wrote a bit odd, or were you just looking for the chance to say your piece. Loving your neighbour as...
  13. Sola*5

    Miracles in the 6-day war

    Amen brother. I've just been reading that.
  14. Sola*5

    Did Jesus say obviously " I am a God" in Gospel?

    Pope eyes we trinitarians do believe the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit to be three seperate Persons there is no contradiction between that belief and our monotheistic trinitarian profession that these Three are One. So in that verse God the Father and God the Holy Spirit sent God the Son.
  15. Sola*5

    The wisdom of Charles Spurgeon

    Will do, is your real name victor? P.S I put the link at the end of the last post.
  16. Sola*5

    The wisdom of Charles Spurgeon

    "The worst sort of clever men are those who know better than the Bible and are so learned that they believe that the world had no Maker, and that men are only monkeys with their tails rubbed off." "The age is getting worse and worse, and man, by a process of evolution, is evolving a devil."...
  17. Sola*5

    The wisdom of Charles Spurgeon

    "We are fully assured that our own old English version of the Scriptures is sufficient for plain men for all purposes of life, salvation, and godliness. " "Not that I would readily find fault with our version at any time, for it is, as a rule, marvellously correct and singularly forcible...
  18. Sola*5

    The wisdom of Charles Spurgeon

    "Any doctrine, which hath not the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, as equal persons in one undivided essence, we cast aside as being unsound, for we are sure that such doctrines must be derogatory to God’s glory; and if they be so it is enough for us" "To believe and love the Trinity is to...
  19. Sola*5

    The wisdom of Charles Spurgeon

    "Numbers of good brethren in different ways remain in fellowship with those who are undermining the Gospel; and they talk of their conduct as though it were a loving course which the Lord will approve of in the day of His appearing. We cannot understand them. The bounden duty of a true believer...