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  1. danieldemol

    Taking Some Time Away

    Take care @Debater Slayer
  2. danieldemol

    Louisiana Now Wants Surgical Mutilation Of Sex Offenders...Only Males Though

    Just curious, what happens if a percentage of them continue to rape people after you gave them a choice of losing the testes or being in prison? If you have to put them in prison anyway in the end you can't give them back their testicles that I'm aware of.
  3. danieldemol

    jesus one of the most popular person ever lived

    In that case you should be comparing only the sales of original arabic copies of the Quran in my view. Otherwise we would have to get into differences in the translations of the Quran, and the Ahmadiyya Muslim translation of the Quran is probably not that popular amongst Muslims in my view. I...
  4. danieldemol

    Online porn debate is it bad ?

    I believe porn is a mixed bag, but don't find a decent porno depressing. Quite the opposite. Why does porn make you feel depressed?
  5. danieldemol

    Atheist (and everyone). What about prayer

    Agree with the healing part, not sure what you mean by magic being able to save one's life.
  6. danieldemol

    Violent Rhetoric by Trump Sycophants after his Conviction

    No idea what an RKBAer is to be honest. I couldn't watch your first clip because it is not available in Australia. I'll try and watch the second clip later when I'm alone because youtube has age restricted it.
  7. danieldemol

    Force Realist

    Welcome to RF @TheOutcastScorn :)
  8. danieldemol

    Hello Friends

    Welcome to RF @Kid Dynamite :)
  9. danieldemol

    Atheist (and everyone). What about prayer

    I believe you are only speaking for yourself here, I've known plenty of religious types who prayed for outcomes eg to get healed and other things.
  10. danieldemol

    Violent Rhetoric by Trump Sycophants after his Conviction

    Is this normal in an U.S context? If not I would be surprised by it personally.
  11. danieldemol

    What Religious/Cultural Tolerance Really Looks Like

    That it's not done with retaliation in mind in my view. I don't tell the truth because it is going to burn a person and I get high off the retaliation. I tell the truth because it's the correct course of action and because as I said - letting them know they are going to recieve push back on...
  12. danieldemol

    What Religious/Cultural Tolerance Really Looks Like

    I agree up to a point. But suppose hypothetically you meet one of those types who says, "Pagans invite the wrath of God upon our cities and should be run out of town. Do you think Im paganphobic?" I would be the one to tell them"yes i think you are", and it wouldn't bother me one little bit if...
  13. danieldemol

    What Religious/Cultural Tolerance Really Looks Like

    I see tolerance differently. In my view it is about putting up with others you don't like and / or find offensive. But I see no reason to necessarily not offend them in return. The truth hurts sometimes and there will be times when the only way to not be offensive is to be egregiously dishonest...
  14. danieldemol

    If God Wanted Us to Believe...

    Maybe, but the universe is an indifferent God in my view. If it even keeps us (collectively) alive for another 6-7 billion years we look likely to go extinct at this stage when the sun dies in my view.
  15. danieldemol

    God, Free-will, and the knowledge of God - Is his knowledge causation?

    Wouldn't an action be an outcome of sorts?
  16. danieldemol

    jesus one of the most popular person ever lived

    So instead of treating the different Jesus characters as different characters and polling the popularity of these individual characters accordingly you are treating them as one character so you can add their combined results in my view. I see that as convenient for you, but not accurate for me...
  17. danieldemol

    jesus one of the most popular person ever lived

    I disagree, a poll simply tells us scientifically what the majority believes in my view. But trying to get us to share the belief of the majority by telling us that a belief is held by a majority, in other words - saying something is true because it is a majority opinion would be an ad-populum...
  18. danieldemol

    Do you believe in God?

    Sure it can be, and it also can be nature unfolding according to its properties in my view. In order to have a sound logical proof of God I believe you need to rule out the later. In other words turn your possibility into a probability.
  19. danieldemol

    The righteous suffer and the wicked prosper.

    So are you saying something has to be a true character trait to be an ad-hominem? I disagree. So an observation of behaviour is not a character attack? Good. An observation of behaviour is not any sort of "attack" in my view so my observation of the behaviour of those who cherry pick the...