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Search results

  1. Onasander

    Water Turned Back On in Southern Gaza

    I was strongly pro-Israel up until ot started committing war crimes, primarily turning water off in Gaza. Remains a war crime to have it off in northern Gaza. One of the extremely few bright spots of Biden's dismal track record as President is getting any Just War Criteria met by Israel in...
  2. Onasander

    Kirsten Dunst in Spiderman Is The Bad Guy

    I saw the Toby Mcguire Spiderman trilogy last weekend and have come to a conclusion: Mary Jane was the chief villain of the series. All of Spiderman's problems stemmed from her. She was moody, too opinionated, causing problems and just ignoring Spiderman or digging it into him deeper causing...
  3. Onasander

    Biden & Qatar not releasing the $6 Billion terror bucks to Iran

    CBS News has learned that the US reached a “quiet understanding” with Qatar not to release any of the $6b in Iranian oil money that was transferred as part of a U.S.-Iranian prisoner swap. This news comes as the US and Israel scrutinize Iran’s role in funding and training Hamas.
  4. Onasander

    The Kardashians Are A Sign Of The End Times

    Increasing Wars and Plagues, and for some reason Kardashians. It's not right. Something is fundamentally wrong with society. Can we as a society be redeemed?
  5. Onasander

    Are Real Life Girlfriends Ruining Society?

    We all have our stories of bad girlfriends, post them here.
  6. Onasander

    Did Obi-wan Kenobi kill Luke's Aunt and Uncle?

    I'm watching Episode 4 of Star Wars, and this time around it occurred to me, Obi Wan likely killed Luke's Aunt and Uncle. He shows up suddenly with sand people attacking Luke, and starts lying about not knowing the droids. His strategy is centered around getting Luke trained up and off planet...
  7. Onasander

    Surviving chinese cuisine

    I can eat three Chinese Dishes. I used to not be able to eat any, because as a child, in San Francisco, my mom brought me to a Chinese restaurant, and the cook gave me a egg roll, and he opened it up and it had a Chinese newspaper baked into it. Then after I refused it, he gave me a purple sea...
  8. Onasander

    Democrats should elect Trump as Speaker of House

    They really should. Would end the myth that they aren't willing to be bipartisan and reach across the isle. Trump might like it and drop his run against Biden. Good ideas all around. And nobody would see this one coming.
  9. Onasander

    Roman Catholic Origins Of Kali

    I've collected a number of historical paradoxes such as this, some of great historical import, but none as upsetting as discovering the oldest iconography of Kali first originated in Roman Egypt in the Christian era as a Christian Saint, and is responsible for slaying a Roman Emperor, more often...
  10. Onasander

    Why are Cows Sacred but not Buffalo?

    I've never understood why in Hinduism cows can't be touched for leather or food needs, but a near identical creature, a Buffalo can be mass slaughtered and sacrificed (in Nepal), or fought in the ring as sport. I like to hand copy texts so used to import alot of paper, got one in bound in oramge...
  11. Onasander

    Gender Neutral Bathrooms converted back

    I took these pictures back in May. Aspinwall, Pennsylvania. These public restrooms made national news some years back for being amongst the first to convert from Male and Female to Who Knows? I choose urinal, because I had to take a dump in one. What is a urinal used for? I have no idea anymore...
  12. Onasander


    There is a infestation of pittsburgh by these Chinese bugs. They don't exist 40 miles west of Pittsburgh. Efforts are being made to contain them, supposedly they kill trees and can cost $300,000,000 in damages a year. I noted a bizarre behavior in one group, and one group only that might be...
  13. Onasander

    Rejecting a text

    How do you know when it is time to reject a text? I rejected one yesterday on the basis of it not following the golden rule (Jewish text, a mishna) when I've heard the Talmud summed up as follow the golden rule. So I knew something was wrong. But as a historical text it well.... was historical...
  14. Onasander

    Nundinal Cycle and the Sabbath

    This had to of come up in ancient times. How do you fit a sabbath observed on a 7 day week when the Roman's used a 8 day week? One day was a market day, so you pretty much had to get out to shop on those days, cause markets in those times didn't work around your schedule, you worked to the...
  15. Onasander

    Fear of Circumcision

    I have a fear of circumcision. I like Jews. I used to go to the Jewish lay services while in basic training almost two decades ago.... they had good books on medieval Jewish philosophy. They let me eat cantaloupe. But I always had this creeping feeling they were out to cut my willy. This isn't a...
  16. Onasander

    I don't even get a gender!

    Everyone on this forum keeps talking about genders vs sex (gender is same as sex) and seen CIS Males and CIS Female thrown out alot. About a year ago I realized as a straight male, I didn't qualify as a CIS Male, and like most of the world's population, lacked a gender. Why? I lost my original...
  17. Onasander

    New Here

    My username is a old Platonic Philosopher, started going off a list of them but all were taken as user names. I'm catholic but not here primarily to debate my religion, rather saw the philosophy section. I do have a strong background in world religions, ancient and modern. Was a Stoic and a...
  18. Onasander

    Islamic Ishq same as Vedantic Maya? (Dara Shukoh)

    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ishq https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maya_(religion) I just got Dara Shukoh's Majma 'Ul-Bahrain for 8 dollars off Amazon. Dara starts off briefly discussing how Ishq (Love) is the same as Maya (Illusion). I don't understand what he is saying, seems as if he...