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  1. E

    Acts of the Apostles and the erroneous dating of the NT books

    Suddenly there are some atheists, evolutionists and other non-Christians interested in the dating of biblical books... And that's good, because then we can clarify some things. ;) Let's talk about that here ... and let's start with this: according to what you've been told: when did Luke write...
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    The "Paul" that anti-Christians invented

    It may seem strange, but the truth is that some anti-Christians have invented a character called "Paul" to replace the real Paul we learn about in the Scriptures. That pseudo-Paul, they say, is an enemy of Jesus Christ who invented a new religion different that the one Jesus and his apostles...
  3. E

    Jesus insisted that he had lived in heaven before being born as a human

    In the following dialogue with the Jews, Jesus Christ made it implicit that he had seen Abraham personally. John 8:56 "Abraham YOUR father rejoiced greatly in the prospect of seeing my day, and he saw it and rejoiced.” 57 Therefore the Jews said to him: “You are not yet fifty years old, and...
  4. E

    Atheists believe in miracles more than believers

    It seems contradictory, but if you see it from this perspective you will understand: A believer considers miracles to be the result of a display of knowledge and power on the part of a conscious person. An atheist believes that things that exist came out of nothing in a miraculous way, obeying...
  5. E

    Communication between apes and human language

    Fans of the evolutionary doctrine have no idea how animal ape communication could have evolved into sophisticated human language. To avoid talking about the subject, they say that the specialty of "them" (who knows who is "them" and who is not "them") has nothing to do with the intellectual...
  6. E

    Is the evolutionary doctrine a racist doctrine?

    What explanation does the evolutionary doctrine give to the different human races? Does this have to do with the species of apes that populated the different regions of the earth? In any case, in human likeness, how many different races exist among the apes that later, according to...
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    The Bible, the MAXIMUM book

    Have you think about the unique characteristics of the Bible as a book? For example: although the Bible began to be written in the middle of the second millennium BC, it has never existed since then, a time when someone somewhere in the world has not been reading and studying some portion of...
  8. E

    Differences between Christianism and Christendom

    Thousands of different religious sects that call themselves "Christian" today can teach beliefs totally contrary to those that original Christianity truly preached. Have you considered that a modern "Christian" sect may actually be "anti-Christian" from the point of view of what the original...
  9. E

    Evolution of what?

    Many evolutionists are so obsessed with the idea of a chain of related animals that they forget that the environment around them must have evolved along with or faster than these animals' supposed biological evolution, or else they would not have survived in a hostile environment like the one...
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    Atheists and their jargon of insults

    "Magic", they say. ;) They say "miracles", "supernatural", etc etc etc ... they even say "spaghettis" and in their minds is an insult. So they are. :p What is really "miracle" or "magic" or "supernatural" in an atheist mind? IMHO, they are just things they cann't explain with their current...
  11. E

    Learn how to diferenciate between MYTH and LEGEND

    MYTH and LEGEND are not the same. Atheists use the word "myth" to insult religious beliefs. Most of the time they don't use properly that term because they are ignorant of what a myth is. The main differences between myth and legend are determined by the inclusion of a specific timeframe and...
  12. E

    Irony of the evolutionary belief

    If, according to evolutionists, human intelligence eventually emerged in an environment that was previously lifeless for millions and millions of years... what is so strange that a Superior Intelligence has already existed for another INFINITE number of years BEFORE that period of time? :cool:
  13. E

    The testimony of the NT writers

    Talking about the apostles someone said: ... and I answered: If the New Testament were a collection of secular writings, would its authenticity be more widely accepted? I think it would. Then, what is the criterion by which the testimony of first-century Christians who wrote the NT is...
  14. E

    Practices and beliefs that cause God to reject entire religions

    Many people believe they worship the God of Jesus (the same God of Abraham and Moses), but if we study the Bible we can understand that no matter what they think, their religious beliefs and/or practices actually distance them from Jehovah. An example of the above is related in the Bible...
  15. E

    What the Bible teaches about the holy spirit

    Jehovah's Witnesses conceive of the spirit of Jehovah (or holy spirit or spirit of God) spoken of in the Bible as a force whose primary source is Jehovah God. Trinitarians, on the other hand, consider that this "spirit" is a third person, who together with Jehovah and Jesus in heaven, make up a...