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Search results

  1. nPeace


    Caribbean breaths a sigh of relief. Lee rapidly became a category 5 hurricane, miles before reaching the island chain, but to everyone's relief, its trajectory is North West keeping the island chain South, South West, of the system.
  2. nPeace

    This Good News of the Kingdom

    ...Will be preached in all the inhabited earth, for a witness to all the nations... before the end comes. Matthew 24:14; (Mark 13:10) . . .Also, in all the nations, the good news has to be preached first. . . Are you excited brothers? What a privilege to be able to have a share in that...
  3. nPeace

    American Cops & Pursuits

    Overall, I think they do a good job, but so many times these cops have a rat cornered, and they let him out. This pursuit could have been over in 5 minutes. I wonder at times, if American cops love the chase, or, usually get too nervous to think straight, at times. I guess it's not easy...
  4. nPeace

    The Search For Truth

    It's said that science attempts to discover truths about the material world. Yes, they have discovered some truths. Oftentimes though - not getting into where certain assumptions must be used - science has failed to provide accurate answers about our world. For example, scientists were...
  5. nPeace

    Demons - Is There Evidence They Exist?

    People ask for evidence of demons. Is there any evidence? Yes, there is. First, we must understand what a demon is. What are demons? In the Bible, a demon is defined as an angel of God, that is debased. That is, a rebel angel. An angel, is a higher form of life - a spirit being. Thus, an...
  6. nPeace

    Where are the Dead?

    Are the dead alive somewhere? Can the dead interact with the living... or dead? Is there any hope for the dead... can the dead live again? Some scriptures I found answers these questions... Basically, those scriptures tell us the dead are not alive anywhere... except in God's memory. Luke...
  7. nPeace

    Unreal Engine

    Does anyone here have a fully compiled copy of Unreal Engine 4? I had built UE4 from source, but it was too heavy for my pc, After some time I decided to reclaim the gigs of hard drive space it was sitting on. I now have a system that it's running fairly well on, but Epic Games seem to have...
  8. nPeace

    Scream Day

    I just decided on this title after reading this... A social media post from a Utah high school student threatening to carry out a “rape day” — and telling girls they won’t be able to hide — has sowed fear in a rural community here. Girls at Cedar High, in the southern town of Cedar City, say...
  9. nPeace

    What Do you See?

    Will things change for the better?
  10. nPeace

    Of Interest

    Bullies won't go near this boy
  11. nPeace

    Is "Cruelty" Ever Justified?

    Cruelty - callous indifference to or pleasure in causing pain and suffering. History has been marred with many cruel acts. Scientists believe that there were battles fought by Neanderthals, which lasted 100,000 years, where heads were bashed in with clubs, and where javelins pierced body...
  12. nPeace

    Why This Growing Trend?

    I was just reading an article, which was both surprising and sadly disturbing. On Monday, February 13, 2023, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States released a report on the mental health of U.S. teens. It noted that over 40 percent of high school students...
  13. nPeace

    The Best Guide

    What is the best guide? Some say your heart. Others say your opinions, thoughts... Some say, definitely not a book. The latter is shocking to me, because we use books everyday, which are written by people over centuries. Some of these books are science textbooks, cookbooks, health and medical...
  14. nPeace

    Learned and Adapted Behaviors

    I was having a discussion with a number of atheists recently, on the ability of animals to adapt from being carnivorous to herbivorous, and vica versa. It is widely believed that a carnivore, such as a lion, cannot become a herbivore. I argue strongly against that belief. I came across this...
  15. nPeace

    Can you Unravel the Mystery?

    On her forehead was written a name, a mystery: “Babylon the Great, the mother of the prostitutes and of the disgusting things of the earth.” Revelation 17:5 Notable features Babylon the Great is described as the great prostitute sitting on many waters, committed sexual immorality with the...
  16. nPeace

    A Global Phenomenon

    A report by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom describes persecution of [Jehovah's] Witnesses as a global phenomenon In Eritrea, if you are a member of a certain religion you will be stripped of citizenship, lose all your civil rights, and probably end up in jail. If you try...
  17. nPeace

    Physics or Spirit?

    For 18 years John taught high school physics, and says it's not physics. I agree. I've seen this played out before, but the end result does not appear to be consistent with physics. Your thoughts, and why.
  18. nPeace

    Nothing Has Changed...

    Everything remains the same. Really? Is lawlessness on the increase?
  19. nPeace

    Your Christian Identity

    If you identify as Christian, what is your belief, or view on cussing - profanity - using abusive speech or words. I'm referring to those words which most news media and TV channels censor. @Kenny @InChrist and others, I would really like to hear your side on this. Could you also identify...
  20. nPeace

    Truths in Scripture

    The truth about the dead is still questioned, speculated, and debated. I'm curious as to why, and where persons would rather go to get the answer to this question, rather than the Bible. Jesus said he came to teach the truth. (John 8:31-32) . . .“If you remain in my word, you are really my...