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Search results

  1. stvdv

    Putin discloses next US president + more

    Putin & Carlson at their best ? (33sec): Tucker Carlson asks and Putin just tells: * Who will be the next US president? * What do you think of Bud Light? * Who killed Epstein?
  2. stvdv

    Poll: What kind of world you would choose if you could:

    If you could choose a world to live in, and you had a few options to choose from, what would you choose? Select from the options in the poll
  3. stvdv

    Jordan Peters on "One night stand" people (60s)

    Jordan Peters on "One night stand" people (60s) Medium version: ca. 15 minutes Long version: ca. 03 hours
  4. stvdv

    Wonderful poem about those who never say "sorry", thereby ruining Love

    Wonderful poet, I love her (just a few seconds, but the best seconds ever) https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1tJ-IUueoL/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet
  5. stvdv

    Evidence that Christianity might have it wrong at its core

    Evidence that Christianity might have it wrong at its core I talk here (title and below) about "My way (Christianity) is the Highway for all" Very simple: Christianity originated around the time that people there (in the West) believed that geocentric was the truth. Now people know better. But...
  6. stvdv

    John Joseph Mearsheimer on Ukraine

    John Joseph Mearsheimer on Ukraine (58 sec clip) https://youtube.com/shorts/75vC0ejpNzI?feature=share John Joseph Mearsheimer born December 14, 1947) is an American political scientist and international relations scholar, who belongs to the realist school of thought. He is the R. Wendell...
  7. stvdv

    China solves the problem of soldiers deserting

    China solves the problem of soldiers deserting Here almost everything has a label "made in China", so I wonder when those helmets come to Holland (50 sec clip showing China's newest hot item) https://youtube.com/shorts/WfVWovCK-88?feature=share Edit: Thanks @Daemon Sophic for fact checking...
  8. stvdv

    Lovely way to help an anxious person

    Lovely way to help an anxious person Practising Jesus' "Thou shall not judge" Summarized in a 50 sec short clip https://youtube.com/shorts/yX1PnkxhEws?feature=share
  9. stvdv

    Putin came into my dream to deliver a dirty bomb

    3 days ago I had a dream about Putin who came in a plane and spread lethal chemicals where I was Strange part was that it didn't scare me Dreams are tricky. Usually my dreams are symbolic, so I think (hope) this is not what Putin will do. Could be of course, when a cat gets cornered it can be...
  10. stvdv

    Parents want unvaxxed blood transfusion

    Child of Parents needs operation, and probably blood transfusion Parents want unvaxxed blood used And found a donor they have faith in State (judge) rules against parents Right or wrong in your opinion? I am curious what JW think about this: So @nPeace, @Hockeycowboy, @YoursTrue, @Vee, And...
  11. stvdv

    18 sec = Best advice ever

    18 sec = Best advice ever OR Get "God's" respond "Instantly" https://youtube.com/shorts/vw2onHV_qjY?feature=share
  12. stvdv

    US: Donald Trump launches 2024 comeback bid, makes his 'very big announcement'

    US: Donald Trump launches 2024 comeback bid, makes his 'very big announcement' Interesting times, will Trump be the next president. He gave a "good" pep talk, I guess that many Americans like his speech. After Biden, Trump looks more capable and powerful What do you (Americans) think about...
  13. stvdv

    Dutch Government censors David Icke (not allowed to come to Holland)

    Dutch Government censors David Icke (not allowed to come to Holland to give a speech) Big Brother is getting implemented more and more. Holland used to be democratic, but not allowing David Icke to come to Holland to give a speech is 1 step further towards censorship What do you believe? It's...
  14. stvdv

    Biden: We can only reelect Donald Trump

    Biden: We can only reelect Donald Trump https://www.youtube.com/shorts/eJ5K-285uU8
  15. stvdv

    Cancer drugs are the most profitable for Big Pharma

    Cancer drugs are the most profitable for Big Pharma A recent report from Evaluate shows oncological therapies were the most profitable in 2018 The report projects cancer drug sales to nearly double by 2024, pocketing a tidy $236.6 billion in profit Cancer drugs are the most profitable for Big...
  16. stvdv

    A new movie freely available till Tuesday night named "The Real Anthony Fauci"

    Disclaimer: I placed this not in a debate section, because I am not interested in debating this. I just want to share this for those interested in what most on RF call conspiracy, but I have discovered sometimes that yesterday's conspiracies are today's reality. So, I just observe and decide for...
  17. stvdv

    If they do this, they'll cheat on you. Jordon Peterson

    If they do this, they'll cheat on you Jordon Peterson I liked his explanation why people get cheated on by their friends, and his solution is simple and seems correct to me 01:30-02:48 The gist in these 78sec a) Afterwards people usually realize "there were all these signs I didn't pay...
  18. stvdv

    The breakdancing cat

    The breakdancing cat:D https://youtube.com/shorts/d_CKUPgzRUA?feature=share
  19. stvdv

    Macron won't retaliate nuclear if Russia nukes Ukraine

    Macron won't retaliate nuclear if Russia nukes Ukraine France will not trade nuclear strikes with Russia over Ukraine
  20. stvdv

    How do you feel about your tax money is being used to pay Al-Qaeda and ISIS fighters

    NOTE: My Master said "Your money your responsibilty, use it Righteous" No need to watch the video, that's too long for RF posting IMO (33min) anyway. It's just about the title. It could have happened in the past or happen in the future How do you feel about your tax money is being used to pay...