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Search results

  1. ronki23

    How do Sunni Muslims view the Battle of the Camel ?

    The Battle of the Camel was about who would succeed Uthman of the Umayyad Caliphate. Shia Muslims believe Prophet Muhammad nominated Ali (his cousin and son-in-law) to be successor but only 10-15% of Muslims in the world are Shia. What do Sunni Muslims believe? Do they support Lady Aisha? Why?
  2. ronki23

    Iran and Saudi Arabia: Double Standards ?

    Why do Iranians complain about the mandatory headscarf rule in Iran while the Saudi Arabians do not appear to complain about it ? Why do we make documentaries and news articles about the protests in Iran but say nothing about Saudi Arabia ? Is Islam to blame?
  3. ronki23

    Iran's headscarf crackdown: blame Islam ?

    If girls in Iran are getting beaten, arrested and killed by security forces, is it the fault of Islam ? Does this mean Islam will decline with time as more and more Iranians rise up against the regime ?
  4. ronki23

    What do the Qu'ran and Hadiths say about warring siblings?

    So my father was one of 8 siblings and he, and 3 other siblings, died a long time ago. 3 of the surviving siblings have my grandparents' inheritance while the other 5 don't, and 2 of those 3 are trying to take further money from the families of the other 3 siblings. So it's a war between 4 or 5...
  5. ronki23

    Were Imam Ali, Hassan and Hussain killed by Sunnis ?

    Was this the reason for the rift between Sunnis and Shias?
  6. ronki23

    Arabic vs Persian vs Turkish cuisine

    I see that there's not so much difference between the three: shawarma, awarma, kebab, halwa. From what I can tell: 1) Arabic and Turkish cuisine use bean dishes like houmus and falafal: Persian does not 2) Arabic and Turkish cuisine uses more cheeses like halloumi and knefeh. Persian does not...
  7. ronki23

    Volunteer work is prostitution

    I have worked as a volunteer in several positions hoping to use it as a springboard to get a decent job and i'm often asked "What was your previous salary?" and have even been asked "Have you done any paid work?" Even careers advisors say DON'T say it was voluntary. These companies you work for...
  8. ronki23

    Do Daoism and Confucianism have anything to do with Shintoism ?

    I know Buddha is big in Japan and China and India annexed him into Confucianism/Daoism and Hinduism. Does Confucianism and Daoism have anything to do with Shintoism?
  9. ronki23

    Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism

    It is late but I do not understand how Chinese culture needs all 3 religions to function. Aren't they different religions with different approaches?
  10. ronki23

    Why would you call your son Cassius and not Muhammad?

    Pretty obvious who Cassius was named after but refuse to take the plunge and call him Muhammad
  11. ronki23

    Canada does not like tourists. Thumbs down Canada

    So this happened in 2018 when I went there. Upon arrival at the airport: Q: What is the purpose of your visit? A: For a wedding Q: Who's getting married ? So they speak this rudely to people coming for tourism or backpacking? Why does it matter who is getting married? Q: How much money do you...
  12. ronki23

    Who is Andrew Tate ?

    Why is he so controversial?
  13. ronki23

    When did Betelgeuse explode ?

    Star lifespans are measured in millions to billions of years. If Betelgeuse looks to explode then it may have already exploded 625-650 years ago and the light still hasn't reached us. Any debris from the explosion will take thousands if not millions of years to reach
  14. ronki23

    I need to lose 80 pounds (35kg)

    I am 254 pounds. I would like to lose 80 pounds (35kg) but the medication I am on (Solian) makes it difficult as it makes me insulin resistant and increases hunger. I am also on Zoloft. I swim 20-25 minutes 4-5x a week and I use steam/sauna for 20-25 minutes as well. The problem with dieting...
  15. ronki23

    The ISIS Uganda Massacre is being under-reported

    Over 40 Ugandan's were killed by ISIS the other day. It happened at a school. It's a horrific event and I feel it's not being reported enough. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-65945814
  16. ronki23

    Hindu origin of Sikhism's 5Ks

    On Quora: https://qr.ae/pyo0GJ Sikhism is certainly a different religion but it started out as a reform movement. For example, I am sure (but not certain) Sikhism wanted to equalise the castes of Hinduism: "The Word is the Yoga, the Word is the spiritual wisdom; the Word is the Vedas for the...
  17. ronki23

    Arab vs Muslim culture

    My Saudi 'friend' would not eat unless I ate; he would buy food for me if I didn't have any. Is this Arab or Muslim culture? My Omani friend brought us Halwa from Muscat
  18. ronki23

    Indian equivalent of Guangzhou and Hangzhou

    So we can compare: Delhi and Beijing as they are both the political capitals Mumbai and Shanghai as they are both the economic centres Bangalore and Shenzen for their technology and services. Would you compare Guangzhou (China's 3rd or 4th city) with Chennai or with Calcutta ? Because...
  19. ronki23

    China and India's wealth

    According to the wealth pyramid, the rich-poor divide and income inequality are not the same thing India has far more income equality / less income inequality as well over 2/3rds of its population are on less than $10,000 The rich-poor divide is much less in China because 63% of the...
  20. ronki23

    Bhai Prithi Chand and Manohar Das

    The son of the 4th Guru Ram Das was Guru Arjun Dev, the 5th Guru. The son of Guru Ram Das and brother of Guru Arjun Dev was Prithi Chand. When Guru Arjun Dev went away on some business, he wrote letters to Guru Ram Das; Prithi Chand hid 3 of the letters from Guru Ram Das and regularly stole...