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Search results

  1. ajay0

    UN honours 3 Indian peacekeepers killed in service amid calls for increasing protection for peace-keeping personnel in UN missions

    The UN has honored 3 Indian peacekeepers who were killed in service and called for increased protection for UN peacekeeping personnel in its missions. https://www.nationalheraldindia.com/india/un-honours-3-indian-peacekeepers-killed-in-service-amid-calls-for-increasing-protection
  2. ajay0

    Website on the teachings of Dr. Frederick Lenz

    Website on the teachings of Dr. Frederick Lenz, also known as Zen Master Rama (1950 - 1998) ... https://ramaquotes.com/ Rama - Dr Frederick Lenz
  3. ajay0

    World's largest solar cooker built by Prajapita Brahmakumaris in India

    https://www.downtoearth.org.in/coverage/bon-appetit-with-sun-40457 In 2007, both the German and Indian governments worked with the spiritual institution of Prajapita Brahmakumaris to create the world's largest solar cooker and a solar thermal power plant in Talheti at the base of Mount Abu...
  4. ajay0

    Indian teenager becomes youngest challenger for world chess title

    Teenage Indian chess prodigy Gukesh Dommaraju, better known as Gukesh D, became the youngest player at 17 to claim the men’s Candidates Tournament in Toronto, Canada on Sunday and in the process will be playing for the world title with the reigning world champion Ding Liren of China at the 2024...
  5. ajay0

    Baba Lokenath on Awareness and the path to a peaceful and happy life

    A discussion between the enlightened sage Baba Lokenath and a disciple, on the theme of leading a peaceful and happy life through awareness... https://babalokenath.org/pages/teachings
  6. ajay0

    Indian scientists develops sustainable hydrogel that removes microplastics from water

    Indian researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have designed a sustainable hydrogel to remove microplastics from water. https://www.deccanherald.com/science/iisc-bengaluru-develops-sustainable-hydrogel-that-removes-microplastics-from-water-2975465
  7. ajay0

    Interesting article comparing eastern and western psychology

    Found an interesting article comparing eastern and western psychology as well as the compatibility of meditation with psychotherapy... https://www.buddhanet.net/medpsych.htm
  8. ajay0

    The 7-38-55 rule in communication

    Interesting article on the components of proper communication necessary for good relationship management. https://www.inc.com/jessica-stillman/7-38-55-rule-57-years-old-secret-exceptional-emotional-intelligence.html?utm_source=pocket-newtab-en-intl
  9. ajay0

    India's Astrosat Space Telescope Spots Over 600 Gamma-Ray Bursts Over 8 Years.

    ISRO's Space Telescope Spots Over 600 Gamma-Ray Bursts Over 8 Years. https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/isros-space-telescope-astrosat-spots-over-600-gamma-ray-bursts-over-8-years-4613362
  10. ajay0

    ISRO conducts second landing test of reusable launch vehicle Pushpak

    Pushpak was successfully tested on 22-3-24, and its performance was found to be "excellent and precise". https://www.ndtv.com/science/isro-successfully-lands-pushpak-indias-first-reusable-launch-vehicle-5287362
  11. ajay0

    Religious leaders can take lead in resolving global issues: Jain leader

    The Jain leader Lokesh Muni has called for the world religious leaders to come together and help resolve the major challenges like the Ukraine war through dialogue and diplomacy...
  12. ajay0

    Indian navy Captures Bulgarian-Managed Merchant Ship From Pirates, Rescues Crew

    The Indian navy recaptured the Bulgarian merchant vessel MV Ruen from Somali pirates, ensuring the safety of the Bulgarian crew. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/17/india-recaptures-somali-pirate-ship-and-frees-crew
  13. ajay0

    Cryogenic engine for human spaceflight mission, Gaganyaan, tested successfully: ISRO

    Gaganyaan is India's proposed first human flight mission that envisions sending a three-membered crew into an orbit of 400km for a period of three days and bringing them back to Earth. https://indianexpress.com/article/technology/science/isro-ce-20-cryogenic-engine-gaganyaan-mission-9172764/
  14. ajay0

    Spontaneous awakenings misdiagnosed as psychosis

    Interesting article from Psychology Today on how certain spontaneous awakenings of an energetic nature are being misdiagnosed as psychosis. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/out-the-darkness/201602/breakdowns-and-shift-ups?fbclid=IwAR0jXL_NLsUiPft2jKo_ayAaaSA0a97a0XQO9MqmoKsAL6u8Gw9pHPav1Qo
  15. ajay0

    Website on female enlightened sage Rajini Menon

    Website with articles by female enlightened sage Rajini Menon, who attained enlightenment by adherence to virtuous conduct and following inner voice of conscience. https://rajiniji.com/rajini-ma/
  16. ajay0

    Indian president Murmu graces Brahma Kumaris' Annual Day, Talks On Peace and Women As Shakti or Goddess

    Indian president Draupadi Murmu graced as chief guest at the 50th Annual Day of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwavidyalaya in Odisha, India held at the Jawaharlal Nehru Indoor Stadium . The Brahmakumaris is the world's largest and only spiritual institution led, administered and...
  17. ajay0

    China raises defense budget by 7.2% to $232 billion

    China, which is the second highest spender on defense after the US, has allocated 1.67 trillion yuan (about $232 billion) for defence spending. With the largest navy on earth and developing naval capabilities on a fast pace, China is focussed on attaining its objective of incorporating...
  18. ajay0

    Isro's black hole mission XPoSat begins active observation, looks at Crab pulsar

    ISRO's Polix instrument onboard its satellite XPoSat (X-ray Polarimeter Satellite ) has started active observation of the Crab pulsar. Isro's black hole mission XPoSat begins active observation, looks at Crab pulsar
  19. ajay0

    Human ‘behavioural crisis’ at root of climate breakdown, say scientists

    New research paper claims unless demand for resources is reduced, many other innovations are just a sticking plaster. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/jan/13/human-behavioural-crisis-at-root-of-climate-breakdown-say-scientists https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/00368504231201372
  20. ajay0

    Elephants intuiting a human friend's death !

    I recently came across an interesting story of a South African conservationist named Lawrence Anthony. He was known for his work amongst elephants. It is said that just after Lawrence's death in his house, a group of elephants marched their way to his house for 12 hours, and hung around for two...