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Search results

  1. Nakosis

    If God Wanted Us to Believe...

    Why did God leave evidence of evolution? From a few moments after the "Big Bang" we have an explanation of how the universe formed into its current state without the need of any intelligence behind it. We have evidence of several types of humanoids that lived prior to and even along side of homo...
  2. Nakosis

    You Can't Argue Against God

    Why? Because since you don't know God, you can't justify any argument against something you don't know. For example you can say there is no evidence of God. How can you say that if you don't know what God is? How can you claim something is not evidence of God? IOW, how can you mount an argument...
  3. Nakosis

    You Can't Argue Against God

    Why? Because since you don't know God, you can't justify any argument against something you don't know. For example you can say there is no evidence of God. How can you say that if you don't know what God is? How can you claim something is not evidence of God? IOW, how can you mount an...
  4. Nakosis

    If you believe in reincarnation...

    Where do all of the new souls come from? As the population of the Earth grows and each new body needs a soul, how does that work? Are there a finite number of souls? Are new souls created to supply the extra bodies? Do souls divide like cells to become two new souls? Will we ever run out?
  5. Nakosis

    Siberian Folk-Pop

    I don't know what they are singing but I like it.
  6. Nakosis

    Jewish Convert Killed

    Across the West Bank, Jewish settlers live apart from Palestinians in guarded settlements where they’re subject to different laws. Palestinians are generally barred from entering settlements unless they have work permits. “Are you Jewish?” the soldier shouts in a video that circulated online...
  7. Nakosis

    Other than your religious teaching...

    Why do you believe you'll survive death? Myself, I have memories of past lives. However, I also know how easy it is for our brains to create memories of events which never happened. Vivid memories with have no connection to my current life. However I've no other reason to trust them.
  8. Nakosis

    No to Fake Meat

    Seems obviously protectionism for the cattle industry. I can understand I guess the desire to protect a part of the economy. However seems to me like trying to protect the horse and buggy industry from the automobile.
  9. Nakosis

    Where Are You Actually From?

    How do you determine this? Is this identity important to you? If you move to Italy, for example, can you then claim to be Italian regardless of where your ancestors come from? What about your kids, if they are born in Italy? I usually say I am Irish because that is where the majority of my DNA...
  10. Nakosis

    Lets Blame Britain?

    For the conflict in the Middle East... In 1917, in order to win Jewish support for Britain's First World War effort, the British Balfour Declaration promised the establishment of a Jewish national home in Ottoman-controlled Palestine. However, the British had also promised Arab nationalists...
  11. Nakosis

    Russia Rolling Back Women's Rights

    Rolling back women’s rights with a torrent of propaganda about the need to give birth — young and often — and by curbing ease of access to abortions, and charging feminist activists and liberal female journalists with terrorism, extremism, discrediting the military and other offenses...
  12. Nakosis

    Hypothetically, Trump Wins...

    What happens the trial case against him? https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/06/09/robert-ray-donald-trump-indictment-what-if-trump-wins-sot-vpx.cnn
  13. Nakosis

    If God Created Man...

    Then why did God allow genetic drift/mutation? If God was the perfect designer, then why does God allow the design to be altered? Especially since this can cause disease and deformity? Here are some disorders cause by genetic mutation: Down syndrome Diabetes Cystic fibrosis Spina Bifida And...
  14. Nakosis

    What is Evidence?

    Do you get to decide for yourself what is evidence and what conclusion that evidence supports? Or is there a standard that something must surpass to be considered evidence and a methodology to showing how the evidence necessarily supports the conclusion being claimed by it. For example, is the...
  15. Nakosis

    Why Does Religion Exist

    Here are a few reasons you may or may not agree with. 1-Religion is a holdover of superstition from a time with limited scientific knowledge that we have since grow out of so it no longer has any value in our lives. 2-Religion is a tool is a tool that was and can be used to control the masses...
  16. Nakosis

    The Profit of War

    $61 Billion to Ukraine. The cost of war? Think of it this way, someone is getting that $61 billion to continue the war. Should the US be supporting the continuation of war? Another $26 billion to Israel so the war against Iran can continue. I wonder who benefits? Certainly not the Israelis...
  17. Nakosis

    How Much Do You Doubt God's Existence?

    Is there any room in your belief to doubt God exists? Or do you believe in God with 100% certainty? If you're agnostic does that mean you believe there is a 50% chance God exists and a 50% chance he doesn't? If you don't believe in God or gods are you 100% certain there is no God(s)? 90%, 70%...
  18. Nakosis

    US to Sanction IDF Unit

    The Biden administration is slated to announce sanctions against the IDF’s Netzah Yehuda battalion for alleged human rights abuses against Palestinians in the West Bank, the Axios news site reported on Saturday. It would be the first time the US has ever taken such a step... ...Ben Gvir said...
  19. Nakosis

    Google Staff Fired for Protesting Israel Ties

    Google has fired 28 employees over their participation in a 10-hour sit-in at the search giant’s offices in New York and Sunnyvale, California, to protest the company’s business ties with the Israel government, The Post has learned. The pro-Palestinian staffers — who wore traditional Arab...
  20. Nakosis

    Are Non-Jews...

    Treated equally in the state of Israel?