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Search results

  1. jewscout

    Bob corby died for your sins!

    I'm a huge fan of riff videos and I enjoy Linkara's "Atop the fourth wall" stuff, but this is by far one of my favorite videos of his https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zV3-RCtLH9Q GIVE YOUR SOUL TO BOB CORBY! BOB CORBY DIED FOR YOUR SINS!:biglaugh:
  2. jewscout

    questions for other dads

    Soooooooo.... My wife recently returned from a 10 day trip to Israel w/ a group of mothers from our city (which it's been 5 years since we left Israel and I was super jealous). In her discussions w/ the other women in regards to their husbands, and especially this trip, the topic came up...
  3. jewscout

    i know we are several months from December but...

    I am sitting here having dinner w/ my kids and they are watching Paw Patrol on their Kindle as they are eating...and after a minute or two I realize...their watching the Christmas episode :facepalm: where the pups go to help Santa Claus which got me thinking about raising jewish kids in...
  4. jewscout

    Daily Show: So hard to talk about Israel

    **PLEASE KEEP THE ARGUEMENTS AND DEBATES SOMEWHERE ELSE. JUST POSTING THIS BECAUSE IT IS HILARIOUSLY TRUE ABOUT TRYING TO TALK ABOUT THIS ISSUE** We Need to Talk About Israel - The Daily Show - Video Clip | Comedy Central :jester5: normally don't agree w/ the stance Stewart takes on...
  5. jewscout

    favorite Youtube Channels

    Wasn't sure where to put this, figured Entertainment was a good place for it. So what are your favorite Youtube Channels? Are you subscribed? Some of my favorites: Crash Course Epic Rap Battles of History Philip Defranco Show Jeremy Jahns
  6. jewscout

    Your relationship with Israel

    Shalom Chevray, So considering Israel is so prominent in the news I was curious. For us as Jews, our tradition holds Eretz Yisrael very central to our religious and cultural identity. In what way does Israel (the Land and/or the Country) effect your Judaism and Jewish identity? Do you...
  7. jewscout

    Shabbat Shalom

    I remember you used to have a Shabbat Shalom thread back in the day....so I thought i'd start a new one! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlJuY21J-WQ&index=2&list=PLBURmSQrPOTUsUh8LTN0D4KdLVLYMGozW a little music to help bring in Shabbat! Shabbat Shalom!!
  8. jewscout

    Favorite Chag/Yontif/Yom Tov

    Hey gang, Just curious, do you have a favorite Chag/holiday? and if so, why? Personally for me it goes: 1) Simchat Torah 2) Sukkot 3) Purim Simchat Torah is my favorite because, well, it's just a really HAPPY holiday, w/ dancing and singing and drinking copious amounts of booze :D...
  9. jewscout

    Kippot, Tzitzit in public

    Just curious if anyone else out there wears Kippot (Yarmulke) and/or tzitzit on a regular basis? I have been wearing my Kippot everyday since 2006 when I made Aliyah. I used to wear Tzitzit (in the form of a tallit katan) regularly but it became too much of a hassle to keep them clean and...
  10. jewscout

    old face popping in

    HI all, I was reminiscing about old times and thought about this forum that I was once very active on, to the point I was a moderator for a short while. So I thought i'd pop in and see all the new faces (and some old ones). can't say i'll be here like I was, just thought it would be fun to...
  11. jewscout

    Yom Yerushalayim - Jerusalem Day

    Tonight in Israel will mark the 41st commemoration of Yom Yerushalayim, Jerusalem Day, marking when the IDF unified Jerusalem as one city in the Six Day War. the greatest part of this event was the return of Jews to their most holiest site, Har HaBeit, the Temple Mount and the returning of...
  12. jewscout

    Yom Hatzmout

    Yom Hatzmout - Israeli Independence Day Celebrating 59 years of a Jewish state existing in Eretz Yisrael, Eretz HaKodesh, and a return home after 2000 (and for some more) years of exile against impossible odds. Chag Samaeach!:D
  13. jewscout

    a bit disturbing....

    ok so i originally came on here to wish everyone a Chag Samaeach... and then i see this banner that says "Israeli Life - Israeli Lie" with a skull on it...what's with that being in the Judaism forum??!?!?!?!?!??!:areyoucra
  14. jewscout

    do what?!

  15. jewscout

    Pesach's comin'

    only one week to go before Pesach. Hope you guys are getting on top of your cleaning:D Chag Samaeach
  16. jewscout

    Annan: Syria will enforce arms embargo

  17. jewscout

    movies that need praise

  18. jewscout

    Harry Potter 4

  19. jewscout

    National Treasure
