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Recent content by Zardoz

  1. Zardoz

    On Hiatus (Limited Internet)

    On Hiatus (Limited Internet)
  2. Zardoz

    Why should non muslims be forced to observe islamic rituals during Ramadan in Saudi?

    Exactly. It's about having a bit of empathy, and not wanting to cause suffering. Not about the law. Let's not forget about the pay. I was offered a ridiculously high 6 figure income for a contract in SA. Had kids in school, so had to turn it down so not to disrupt the family but had I been...
  3. Zardoz

    Why should non muslims be forced to observe islamic rituals during Ramadan in Saudi?

    Yes, I do. Our fasts last over 24 hours, try that.
  4. Zardoz

    Why should non muslims be forced to observe islamic rituals during Ramadan in Saudi?

    If they're not compelled to chant, of course they shouldn't protest. Look, I'm a Jew in a (nominally) Xian country, do you think I 'protest' Xmas? Of course not, for example I don't get offended at 'happy Xmas' greetings, why should I make a rukus over a good will wish? Folk need to learn...
  5. Zardoz

    Why should non muslims be forced to observe islamic rituals during Ramadan in Saudi?

    Forced to actually fast, or just not eat/drink in public? There is a difference.
  6. Zardoz

    Why should non muslims be forced to observe islamic rituals during Ramadan in Saudi?

    Actually, it doesn't seem to say that. "...please do not eat or drink in public places. Saudi Arabia has very strict rules against people who do not respect the feelings of those who are fasting." Seems reasonable, eating in front of those fasting is just rude. Nothing I see says non-Muslims...
  7. Zardoz

    Religious Fundamentalism Could Soon be Treated as a Mental Illness

    The Thought Police will lock up anyone with such "ideological beliefs potentially harmful to society" straight away.
  8. Zardoz

    The Best Movies on Spiritual Themes?

    Zardoz (of course) Lots of what's been mentioned already. Recently, Interstellar. Many SciFi classics have spiritual themes underlying. 2001 A Space Odyssey started it.
  9. Zardoz

    Anyone know of Nazarene Judaism?

    I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to give a meaningful answer right now. I'm moving, and all my books are packed. All I have is a Chumash with Rashi and a Siddur. As a general principal, I do not accept anything from this period as 'authoritative scripture' without reservation. Everything is...
  10. Zardoz

    Anyone know of Nazarene Judaism?

    Well, as we all know the victors write the history books; so it's not a surprise to me that the roman church would turn Pontius Pilate into a victim almost.and lay the blame with the Jews.
  11. Zardoz

    Anyone know of Nazarene Judaism?

    Yes, that's why I said "...even if the etymology of the name is from place name" because the existence of it is in dispute; and no debate is permitted in comparative religion forum, so I wanted to keep it open.
  12. Zardoz

    Anyone know of Nazarene Judaism?

    Pretty accurate, clearly shows that we don't know very much truth about the early Jewish followers of Yeshua, as almost all info comes from the early Roman church. The church labeled them heretics and worked to destroy them, which it accomplished by the fourth century. Nothing drew the ire of...
  13. Zardoz

    Anyone know of Nazarene Judaism?

    Yes, but I think they would more likely call themselves Ebionites (Poor ones, as in humble - poor in spirit). Nazarene would probably be a label that others would use to refer to them. They would not all be in or from the region of Nazareth anyways, even if the etymology of the name is from...