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Recent content by etana4310

  1. E

    In the process - FINALLY

    Did they say it was a positive experience?
  2. E

    In the process - FINALLY

    I can't tell you how my heart is filled with a joy I have never known and a peace that is all encompassing. I feel like I am breaking some heavy chains I have been carrying. Now...onto learning Hebrew. I hope it's as easy as learning Latin was :eek:
  3. E

    In the process - FINALLY

    Just an update. It's been a while. It's been a couple of months of reflection, prayer, soul searching etc. I am finally in the process of conversion through a Rabbi in Chicago who helps those who do not have a synagogue or the ability to get to one for study easily (I can't at the moment)-...
  4. E

    Moving away and more

    I haven't posted much because I have really been trying to discern which end is up and then finally realizing I am not under any pressure to figure out which way is up as so many of you kind folks have told me in the past :D We did come to a couple decisions - importantly moving away from New...
  5. E

    Heart is full of sadness

    On the contrary - it takes a certain amount of strength to sacrifice your needs for that of your family's well being. If it was just myself - I would do what I want to do. But when there are six children and a husband to think about I don't have much say.
  6. E

    Heart is full of sadness

    When my husband saw the hate mail he was very upset. Since this form of Catholicism is a VERY small world, he fears this might get back to our old parish where our children still have a lot of friends. He doesn't want them to be negatively affected. I understand his protection of the children...
  7. E

    How to handle hate?

    Just some gems from my inbox. I quit reading them.....:facepalm: The same thing happened about three years ago - one of our friends from the Catholic wives group left her husband and the Traditional Latin Rite one day. Her husband woke up one morning in total shock to see she was gone. He had...
  8. E

    How to handle hate?

    It just keeps getting worse. The hate mail keeps coming. "They" keep telling me I should feel "sick" that I am imposing my "sin" onto my children. I just got another email that said I need to seek "professional help" that this "friend" has wanted to tell me this for a long time but because we...
  9. E

    How to handle hate?

    I told ONE "trusted" friend of 10 years I was studying Judaism. I asked her to please not say anything as I was on a list of Catholic moms - a list I had been on with the same people for 10 years. Needless to say, she did, indeed tell. Then it snowballed. I suppose it's my fault for not...
  10. E

    How to handle hate?

    Dealing with these types of Catholics (think Mel Gibson) I would be virtually stoned to death if I even opened my mouth. I went to a church where our priest actually asked a family NOT to attend because he attended another Mass that was "questionable" (a Mass that was not well received by Rome)...
  11. E

    How to handle hate?

    I understand eventually I will have to - but the reality is like wiping my entire social network slate clean and starting over. I suppose a few tried-and-true will stick by me - the ones whose minds aren't completely poisoned. I suppose time will tell. I really wish I knew more Jewish people...
  12. E

    How to handle hate?

    I already lost three since last night. :( I know they are concerned, but hate is quite different than concern. I won't even go into detail. I am trying to keep my peace about me. :sad: I did go to Shul this past weekend, but it was a snow storm here and only four of us showed up so the...
  13. E

    How to handle hate?

    I, also, do the same. I foresee my 'friends' list on FB reduced drastically. :shrug:
  14. E

    How to handle hate?

    As I am taking baby steps on my road to eventual conversion if that is at all possible, I have not let many people know as this is my business. Only a good friend who lives in Israel, one of my close Catholic friends (she was surpringly charitable) and of course my husband. Well, today I...
  15. E

    What to do if....

    I thank you. I am going this coming Shabbat to do just exactly that. :yes: It's a good start. I also will take the book suggestions given from the others here and start adding to my collection and reading them. It took me about a year to master Latin - my prior service was entirely in...