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Recent content by cataway

  1. cataway

    According to the Bible, ALL people will eventually be in Heaven

    its not the age thats the problem . its how one feels . if you feel like a 20 year old win win
  2. cataway

    According to the Bible, ALL people will eventually be in Heaven

    ah but if you were dead and then resurrected back to being a living person you then would be saved from death
  3. cataway

    Why Are So Many Cops Dumb?

    what i took from it was those in higher authority dont want people who think but want people that do what they have been told to do . thinkers are known to question
  4. cataway

    Why Are So Many Cops Dumb?

    some one i know went into the Airforce i'm told there is something of a aptitude test each newbe takes when signing up . he was asked what he would like to get into/do in the service .he said something in law enforcement. his tests were then looked at and was told he is to intelligent for that .
  5. cataway

    the name of G-d

  6. cataway

    The Trinity - What on Earth is it?

    The trinity is a ''Pagon'' Christian doctrine. The Trinity is not a new thing . there were known trinitys of gods known long before Jesus was ever born.
  7. cataway

    Oneness or Monism

    its what popeye said
  8. cataway

    The Trinity - What on Earth is it?

    which trinity ? different religions have different definitions
  9. cataway

    Happy Passover

    only wanting to understand
  10. cataway

    For trinity believers: Does your world come unravelled if Jesus is not God,but ONLY Gods Son?

    because of sin we have death . under Jesus' kingdom rule death will be removed. until that time you still sin and we continue to die .
  11. cataway

    Happy Passover

    maybe you did not notice the full moon a month ago was a pink/red moon
  12. cataway

    For trinity believers: Does your world come unravelled if Jesus is not God,but ONLY Gods Son?

    ''He assumed His eternal position as fully God.'' which means when he, Jesus , on earth he was half a god ? and yet his father the God the almighty who was fully God was still in heaven ? my but you do have some problems.
  13. cataway

    For trinity believers: Does your world come unravelled if Jesus is not God,but ONLY Gods Son?

    63 translations that allow contradictions in scripture. that is what it amounts to
  14. cataway

    Happy Passover

    ok you have a calendar . someone made that for you saying when is . what if you don't have a calendar ? you do have the equinox, you do have the full moon . which full moon is the passover ?
  15. cataway

    Happy Passover

    then i should ask, how do you calculate when Passover is to be observed ?